Main | Monday, January 05, 2015

UGANDA: LGBT Magazine Launched

Via the Independent:
Gay rights activists in Uganda have risked detention by police, threats of violence and death threats to publish a new magazine sharing the stories of the country’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community. Campaigners in Kampala have launched Bombastic to “share the realities of being gay” in Uganda, where homosexuality activity is illegal, the mainstream media is openly hostile towards gay people and the government has repeatedly tried to introduce new laws to ban the “promotion of homosexuality”. Homophobia is rife in the socially conservative country, but the team of 130 campaigners and volunteers behind Bombastic intend to hand out tens of thousands of copies by the end of this month and have plans to publish the ground-breaking title four times a year. The first issue of the free magazine contains 20 personal stories, as well as articles on the clergy and homosexuality and health advice; 15,000 copies were printed before Christmas and a further 15,000 are expected to be delivered this week.
Read it online here in PDF form.

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