Main | Monday, February 02, 2015

RUSSIA: Lawmaker Vows To Unleash "Whips And Torches" On Lesbian Couple

When two Russian lesbians noticed notorious anti-gay lawmaker Vitaly Milonov sitting behind them on their Moscow to St. Petersburg flight, they decided to Instagram some photos of themselves kissing with Milonov in the shot. After their photos went viral on Russian social media, Milonov vowed revenge: "This animal offended all the passengers on the plane with its extravagant, terrible, inhuman antics. I can call the Cossacks - they’re already on their way, with whips and torches. We will expel all the perverts from St. Petersburg." Hit the link for more photos at Buzzfeed.

PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Milonov proposes banning Apple CEO Tim Cook from ever visiting Russia again. Milonov calls on Russia's postal service to reject any mail bearing the Tom Of Finland stamps. Sixteen gay activists are hospitalized due to exposure to an unknown gas after Milonov and Russian Orthodox protesters crash an LGBT film festival. Milonov calls on Russia television to block the broadcast of Eurovision due to the participation of "that pervert from Austria," Conchita Wurst. After a local gay man is blinded in a gay-bashing, Milonov says that gay men deserve to be "punched and kicked" and that he is a "defender of the cross." Milonov calls for the arrest of Madonna and Lady Gaga for violating St. Petersburg's ban on "gay propaganda," a bill he authored.

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