Main | Monday, February 16, 2015

Scott Lively: Stop Calling Me Anti-Gay

Scott Lively would appreciate it greatly if the media would just stop calling him anti-gay.
Journalistic professionalism in America has declined apace with the print media industry itself, but Springfield’s sole daily newspaper has fallen further than most. News and editorials are supposed to be separate departments, but The Republican routinely editorializes in its news stories about me, and usually doesn’t even disguise its contempt. Most irritating and misleading is that all or most of the stories identify me (often in the title) as “anti-gay pastor,” as if that were some sort of professional title rather than an editorial comment. I strongly object to that characterization, which deliberately misrepresents my opposition to the mainstreaming of homosexual conduct as hatred of homosexual persons. The term “anti-gay” effectively mistranslates the pro-family motto “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin,” into “Hate the Sinner because of the Sin.” As such it is not an honest descriptor but a slur, and its use by the media is an act of complicity in a dishonest and manipulative LGBT political tactic.
Lively prefers "anti-homosexuality."

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