Tony Perkins: The Anti-Gay Marriage Revolution Is Finally Starting In Alabama
"Politicians in other states may roll over and play dead as the federal courts trample their laws, but not Alabama! There's an organized resistance developing in the Deep South, and it might just be the turning point on marriage that many Americans have been waiting for. While the Left scoffed Moore's influence, the Chief Justice was quietly gaining momentum. Liberals like the ACLU's Susan Watson told reporters yesterday that she doubted Moore's order would hold water: 'I don't think the probate judges in Alabama are going to defy a federal judge's order.' Think again. Minutes after the U.S. Supreme Court gave the green light to issue wedding licenses in Alabama, most probate offices started turning down license requests. From Marshall, Franklin, and Lawrence Counties to Jackson, Tuscaloosa, and Dekalb Counties, dozens of judges sent couples home empty handed. Caught between the state's courts and a federal judge, most offices are issuing their own stay." - Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via email.
Labels: Alabama, Christianists, Foundation For Moral Law, FRC, hate groups, LGBT rights, marriage equality, religion, Roy Moore, Tony Perkins