Main | Wednesday, March 04, 2015

SLOVENIA: Haters Vow Referendum To Repeal Marriage Law, Success Unlikely

Yesterday Slovenia became the 12th European nation to legalize same-sex marriage and anti-gay groups are already plotting a public vote to repeal the new laws. Via Reuters:
Two center-right opposition parties and several civic groups fiercely opposed the changes, particularly giving same-sex couples the right to adopt children. The Civil Initiative for Family and Children's Rights, which opposes the changes, said on Wednesday it would push for a referendum on the law, which is similar to one rejected by Slovenians in a popular vote in 2012. It is unlikely to succeed because Slovenia changed its referendum legislation in 2013 and no longer allows plebiscites on human rights issues. A number of other European Union member countries have already recognized same-sex marriage, including Britain, France and Spain, although it remains a contentious issue in more socially conservative eastern states. Croatia, which like Slovenia was part of former Yugoslavia, rejected same-sex marriage in a referendum in late 2013 and bans gay couples from adopting children, although they can register their partnerships.

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