Main | Thursday, April 30, 2015

Georgia Church: Death To Homosexuals

Via Talking Points Memo:
The pastor of a church in Milledgeville, Ga., recently changed the sign outside his church to read, "Homosexuality is a death worthy crime," according to Georgia television station WGXA. The sign caused a stir in the neighborhood, but Robert Lee, the pastor of Ten Commandments Church, defended his sign and claimed he was quoting the Bible. "Homosexuality is an abomination, and the Bible says that homosexuality is a death worthy crime," Lee told WGXA. Lee told WGXA that he hoped his sign would have an impact and said he would oppose a Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage. "The institution of marriage was instituted by God and it should not be changed by people who deserve not to live," he said.
More from Gay Star News:
"Homosexuality is an abomination, the Bible says homosexuality is a death-worthy crime," Lee told WGXA. "The institution of marriage was instituted by God and it should not be changed by people who deserve not to live. Before I accept homosexuality, I will die." The sign was first spotted by passerby Robert Owens, who found it very offensive. He said: "I have a gay brother and a lesbian niece, who live out in California, and I don't want them to come here and visit me and see a sign like that."
Local television interviews Lee here.

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