Main | Monday, April 06, 2015

Quote Of The Day - Ryan T. Anderson

"For the past generation, there have been a bunch of lies told in the public schools and in the media, lots of propaganda, but propaganda can’t win in the long run. In the long-run, the truth wins out. In the same way when there were some racists who tried to say that you can’t have interracial marriage, that was propaganda, it was a lie, and it failed. In the same way, trying to eliminate that marriage is about uniting the two halves of humanity, not black and white, because that’s not the two halves of humanity, the two halves of humanity, male and female, husband and wife, mom and dad, you can’t erase that, and in the long run the truth will win out." - Heritage Foundation spokesdouche Ryan T. Anderson.

RELATED: Right Wing Watch points out that the Heritage Foundation is a big fan of the late Sen. Jesse Helms, who got his political start by denouncing interracial marriage.

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