Main | Wednesday, May 06, 2015

IRELAND: Stock Photo Couple Is Pissed At Anti-Gay Marriage Campaign

Via the Telegraph:
A couple who feature on a poster encouraging a 'no' vote in the Republic of Ireland's marriage equality referendum are said to be 'appalled' that their image is being used for the campaign. The man and woman, who have yet to be identified, feature on a poster that reads 'Children deserve a mother and a father'. Australian comedian Adam Hills shared an image of the poster on his Facebook page, where he claimed the models are friends of his wife and are in favour of marriage equality. "As it turns out, the people in this photo are friends of my wife, and are appalled that their faces are being used," he wrote. "And yet there is nothing they can do about it. "Regardless of how you feel about the vote - what a weird, horrible, ridiculous world we live in, in which a loving, caring, open-minded family unit can be used to advertise the very opposite of what that particular family unit believes."
Mothers & Fathers Matter, the group behind the campaign, says the couple is welcome to contact them for a personal lesson about why their photo should be used to deny civil rights to LGBT Irish citizens. The photographer who sold the photo has confirmed that the image shows a "real family with their real baby."

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