Main | Monday, May 18, 2015

Lindsey Graham To Announce 2016 Bid

Via the Washington Post:
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who in recent months has moved closer to running for president, announced Monday on CBS "This Morning" that he will announce if he will make a White House bid on June 1 from South Carolina. Graham formed an exploratory committee, Security Through Strength, in January and has been staffing it as he prepares for what looks increasingly like it will become a full-fledged run for president. Graham told South Carolina state lawmakers last week that he's "99.9 percent sure" he's going to run. If Graham runs, he is likely to center his campaign around the theme of national security. He is among the most hawkish figures in the Republican Party and already has secured the support of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a close friend and fellow hawk.

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