Main | Tuesday, June 23, 2015

CALIFORNIA: AG Kamala Harris Wins Battle Against Sodomite Suppression Act

Yesterday the California Assembly approved a resolution which denounces the Sodomite Suppression Act, the proposed 2016 ballot measure to have all gay people put to death. The Assembly's move is now moot as a Superior Court judge has approved Attorney General Kamala Harris' request to strike the measure before petition signature gathering can begin. The court's ruling comes despite the position taken by some legal experts who say ballot items cannot be challenged until after being approved by voters. In early May, Sodomite Suppression Act author Matt McLaughlin vowed to have a court force his item directly onto the ballot if he is not allowed to gather petition signatures.

RELATED: Still potentially on the 2016 California ballot is the Intolerant Jackass Act, which was green-lighted to begin collecting signatures earlier this month. The Intolerant Jackass Act was filed in response to McLaughlin's measure and would require him to attend LGBT sensitivity training. McLaughlin has reportedly demanded an apology from the author of the Jackass Act. Seriously.

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