Main | Sunday, June 07, 2015

Scott Walker Backs Constitutional Ban If SCOTUS Rules For Same-Sex Marriage

Via CBS News:
Potential Republican presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says that he would support a constitutional amendment allowing states to enact same-sex marriage bans. "I personally believe that marriage is between one man and one woman," Walker said Sunday on ABC News, answering a question about an upcoming Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage. "If the court decides that, the only next approach is for those who are supporters of marriage being defined as between one man and one. The Republican governor, who has said he will announce a decision on a run for the White House by the end of the summer, presides over a state where same-sex marriage is legal. Walker had supported a 2006 Wisconsin's constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, but a federal judge declared the law unconstitutional in 2014. Walker has previously told reporters that, despite his beliefs, he has been to a same-sex wedding reception for a gay member of his family.

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