Main | Monday, June 15, 2015

Ted Cruz Money Beg: Please Donate Because I'm Not Eating Or Sleeping Well

Just in via email:
Dear Friend, I'm about to ask you to make a sacrifice in the next 48 hours. But before I do, I want you to know: I wouldn't ask you if I hadn't already done it myself. Please let me briefly explain. You see, running for President of the United States is a significant sacrifice. Only through prayer and many late night discussions with my wife, family, and closest friends did I make THE decision. And I must share with you -- I've committed to sacrificing a great deal for our campaign. Health and sleep: My runoff campaign for the Senate in 2012 took a toll, but now I'm sacrificing even more sleep with long nights and constant travel. And the pizza diet is a staple on the campaign trail. Personal time: You think of this the least, but as a candidate, my days are no longer my own. Days start before dawn and many times don't end until early the next morning. There is almost no personal time when you run for president. Friend, I've chosen to sacrifice part of mine and my families lives to run for President -- but I think you will agree with me that the sacrifice is well worth it. Unless courageous conservatives are willing to make tough sacrifices to stand up and fight, we will not be able to restore America. For liberty, Ted Cruz.
The thought of President Ted Cruz has a lot of people losing sleep. And losing their lunch.

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