Main | Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Anti-Gay Group Vows To Boycott Major Retailer Over LGBT Rights Support

Since there are already at least a dozen "major" boycotts underway for the same reason, we're not sure why this is supposed to be news.
Pastor Bill Owens of the Coalition of African-American Pastors met with the delegation in Dallas and says religious rights of Christians have been harmed by the Supreme Court decision and will continue to be in the future. Owens tells OneNewsNow the reason is the Church was not an effective force in the battle for biblical marriage. "We're going to pick a major store chain to boycott. We've already picked the boycott," he explains. "We're not announcing which one yet, but we'll boycott one day all over the country and let them know that they cannot talk out of both ends of their mouths by supporting everything the gay community does."
I'm guessing Walmart, but who knows?

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