Main | Monday, July 06, 2015

Santorum: America Is World's Moral Leader In Fight Against Gay Marriage

Via the Guardian:
Rick Santorum said on Sunday he would continue his campaign to reverse the supreme court decision that legalised same-sex marriage, because the US “is still the moral leader of the world”. On 26 June, the court voted 5-4 in favor of the plaintiff in the case Obergefell v Hodges, who sought to extend rights conferred by a same-sex marriage in one state to another which did not allow it. Since then, conservative opposition has included calls for a constitutional amendment on marriage, advocacy for laws to ensure religious liberty, and official approval of county clerks who refuse to issue licenses for same-sex marriages. Appearing on CBS, Santorum was asked about a previous statement that the ruling “disrupts the foundation of the world”. He said he was concerned with three things: the role of the court in society – a rallying call for 2016 candidates including Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal – an “assault on religious liberty” and “a further erosion of this founding building block of society, which is the nuclear family”.

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