Open Thread Thursday
A couple of weeks ago I read a funny new novel, Paul Schmidtberger's Design Flaws Of The Human Condition, in which, Ken, the gay lead character, and his partner of several years receive separate invitations for a friend's wedding. Incensed, Ken devised this response:
He zipped out the door and bought a beautiful long oval copper-plated fish poaching dish from Williams & Sonoma, which cost a fortune, and then sawed it in half - lid and all. And then they had the two halves beautifully wrapped and delivered to the reception all well in advance of Kara's wedding. You send separate invites, you get separate gifts - it's that simple. The thank you notes - plural - were also simple: Kara tersely thanked each of them for the "thoughtful" gift, which they thought was hilarious since it was inadvertently truthful - they really had put a lot of thought into their gifts.That raises today's Open Thread. Have you and your partner been separately invited or plus-one'd to events where the host clearly knows you are partnered but choses to ignore that? Perhaps an office party or coworker's wedding - and your colleagues received invites addressed to "Bob AND Mary"? How have you handled this situation? And how do you handle it when one of you is not invited? What about "spouses welcome!" situations?
Labels: Open Thread Thursday