The Book To Nowhere

Sarah Palin has garnered more than fame from her failed Vice-Presidential bid. She is reportedly close to making a book deal for $7 million. "Bill Clinton made over $10 million for his deal seven years ago," a publishing insider told Radar. "That was more than any other former President."Chapter 1 - "How To Shoot And Field-dress A Moose."
Palin offers more than just a political memoir with flashes of sexual mea culpa. "She has huge appeal to a segment of the female reading public, and her private life hasn't been an open book," our source told us. "Not yet." The book would be crafted with a ghost-writer and the goal will be to get it in stores in time for Christmas of next year. "Though if I were publishing it, I'd shoot for Mother's Day, 2010," our source added.
Chapter 2 - "Places I Can See From My House."
Chapter 3 - "Co-pregnancies Bring You Closer To Your Daughter."
Chapter 4 - "You Betcha! - How I Learned To Speak Watching Fargo."
Labels: "celibacy", publishing, Sarah Palin