Gay Libertarian Marc Delphine To Run For U.S. Senate From Oregon

Delphine is the first openly gay candidate to run for federal office in Oregon’s history. Per a press release, he “is also the only challenger to Ron Wyden who has served as an elected official having been elected to the Tigard Water Board and a local school committee in the Beaverton School District.” Delphine will formally announce the campaign launch in the State Capitol tomorrow morning, during which he’ll emphasize “Principle-Centered Leadership.” The platform highlights “individual liberty, personal responsibility and equal opportunity.”Judging by the "Civil Liberties" portion of his campaign site, Delphine appears to be a (relatively) mild Tenther.
Your Rights Are At Risk Under ObamaDelphine states support for abortion rights, same-sex marriage, and gender identity/sexual orientation protections. But he also calls for the complete deregulation of the health care industry, including an end to requiring insurance companies to cover specific illnesses and disabilities.
Over the past few years, we have seen repeated government attempts to circumvent or even blatantly disregard the most basic of our guaranteed personal liberties. Rarely a day passes where there isn’t some major media mention of Guantanamo Bay, the Patriot Act, the Real ID Act, secret prisons, the use of torture or domestic spying. Under Obama, just as under President Bush the government may still snoop into the most personal of your mail or your e-mail and you won’t even know they were there. People are arrested and held without trial or legal representation. Sometimes they are even tortured. They can now use your cellular phone as a bugging device, even if you aren’t currently talking on it at the time. It is essential that we repeal the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act and that we restrain the Executive Branch to the limitations set forth in our Constitution.
Labels: 2010 elections, gay politicians, Libertarian Party, Marc Delphine, Oregon, Senate