Newark Archbishop Opposes Seton Hall Course On Same-Sex Marriage
"This proposed course seeks to promote as legitimate a train of thought that is contrary to what the Church teaches. As a result, the course is not in synch with Catholic teaching," Myers said. "Consequently, the board of trustees of Seton Hall have asked the board of regents to investigate the matter of this proposed course and to take whatever action is required under the law to protect the Catholicity of this university." As archbishop, Myers does not have the authority to cancel a class. But the conservative archbishop serves as chairman of Seton Hall’s board of trustees and president of the school’s board of regents, the governing body that oversees academic issues. Larry Robinson, Seton Hall’s vice provost, said the course was approved by both the political science department and the dean’s office.The course is described as a unbiased history of the political battle over same-sex marriage.
Labels: Catholics, education, marriage equality, New Jersey, Newark