Too Ashamed To Mention His NARTH Pal, Porno Pete Attacks Ellen DeGeneres

Instead of manning up to the scandal enveloping his colleagues in the hate industry, today Porno Pete attacks Ellen DeGeneres because she had a female American Idol contest sing a Paul McCartney song. A song written by a man! And containing the lyric "Baby, I'm a man!" Ellen was totally making was a secret statement of butch lesbian power! Or trans power! Or something!
Hilariously and with no apparent sense of irony or the absurd, Petey is calling for Ellen to become "ex-gay." Just like his BFF George "Anal Long-Stroke" Rekers says everybody can!
More gender confusion from Ellen DeGeneres. It is so tiresome to see Ellen mega-hyped as a pop icon despite her immoral and chosen lifestyle as a practicing lesbian and pro-homosexuality activist. The very funny Ellen (who gets very serious when it comes to her public mission of promoting this immoral behavior) is getting more worldly fame than most humans could ever hope to have, but that means nothing before our holy God. She needs to humble herself and repent of her wrong and very changeable lifestyle, as other former “out and proud lesbians” have. Pray that Ellen would find reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ and join the ranks of ex-lesbians. Her worldly, Hollywood star would surely fall following such a godly transformation, but she could then become a truly wholesome role model for American girls, which she is not now, despite her many talents.Seriously though, Petey, are you ever going to address the gloriously delicious downfall of the man whose organization you have cited dozens and dozens and dozens of times on your blog? We're waiting....
Labels: American Idol, closet cases, douchenozzles, Ellen Degeneres, NARTH, Peter LaBarbera, prostitution, scandal