Networks Reject GOP's Mosque Ad
NBC and CBS have refused to air the GOP's Kill The Ground Zero Mosque ad. Politico reports:
In her letter rejecting the spot, NBC Universal advertising standards manager Jennifer Riley wrote: "An ad questioning the wisdom of building a mosque at ground zero would meet our issues of public controversy advertising criteria. However, this ad which ambiguously defines 'they' as referenced in the spot makes it unclear as to whether the reference is to terrorists or to the Islamic religious organization that is sponsoring the building of the mosque. Consequently, the ad is not acceptable under our guidelines for broadcast." A CBS official, Marty Daly, also rejected the ad, according to e-mails shared by NRT PAC executive director Scott Wheeler. "They have very selective standards — they’ll run anything throws out there," said Wheeler, also citing a controversial 2004 NAACP ad invoking the slain James Byrd.Yesterday World Net Daily, the nation's most widely-read conservative site, posted a top-of-page "emergency" plea for their readers to sign on to a petition condemning the mosque plan. WND's story includes first-person accounts of 9/11 and the below nine year-old photo showing the planned location for the mosque.

Labels: advertising, CBS, GOP, Ground Zero, Islam, NBC, NYC, religion, World Net Daily