"The Southern Poverty Law Center has utterly discredited themselves by this provocative attack on organizations that promote traditional family values. Labeling mainstream conservative organizations as 'Hate groups' is defamatory and is simply an intimidation tactic. We call on Congress to cut off their funding. Defend Christians.Org will work to form a coalition of organizations to lobby Congress to withhold funds from SPLC. We will also demand Congress restrict Federal law enforcement from relying on the biased SPLC reports. The SPLC has been reduced to a far left propaganda organization that uses hype and hysteria to enrich a few liberal attorneys at taxpayer expense and has long out lived its usefulness." -
Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, which was already on the hate groups list.
Does anybody know how much federal money the SPLC actually gets? Their
Wikipedia page doesn't appear to mention such a thing.
UPDATE: Thought so! Readers point out the the SPLC
does NOT get any government funding. Good luck with that call to Congress, dumbass. You can let Mr. Cass know of his error: 954-551-9770.
Labels: Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, Gary Cass, hate groups, Quote Of The Day