Scott Lively: Gays Are Murdering Uganda

"These revolutionists of Sodom, who march triumphantly through all the major cities of the western world to flaunt their defeat of moral law, and who hold both Hollywood and the heart of America’s president in their iron grip: These very same zealots have fixed their malevolent gaze on Christian Uganda. [snip] There is indeed evil in Uganda today, but it is not the reaction of Christian and Moslem citizens to the rape of their culture. It is the pink-gloved hand of western powers that are cutting the throat of Africa’s most God-fearing country, and one of the world‘s most promising Christian democracies." - Pedophile ally and SPLC-certified hate group head Scott Lively, in a piece posted by anti-gay mental case Ryan Sorba on his Young Conservatives of California site.
Labels: bigotry, Christian Love, hate groups, liars, murder, religion, Scott Lively, Uganda