Crazy Eyes Introduces House Resolution Condemning Obama For DOMA

Whereas passed by significant majorities in both chambers of Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton, the Defense of Marriage Act has never been overturned in any Federal lawsuit challenging its constitutionality by a Federal Court, yet the Department of Justice has decided not to defend this act in Federal court;Then she leapt on her dinosaur and galloped back to Teabagistan.
Whereas the vast majority of Americans believe that marriage should continue to be what it always has been–the legal and spiritual union between one man and one woman: Now, therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That the Congress–
(1) condemns the Obama administration’s direction that the Department of Justice should discontinue defending the Defense of Marriage Act; and
(2) demands that the Department of Justice continue to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in all instances.
Labels: assholism, bigotry, DOMA, GOP, Michele Bachmann, Tea Party, teabaggers, U.S. House