KENTUCKY: State GOP Rep Wants To Legalize Bullying By Christian Students

Harmon has filed an amendment that would allow students to condemn other students' sexual preferences as long as that expression of a religious belief does not include physical harm or damaging property. "If someone, just in conversation, said, 'You know, I think homosexuality is a sin,' well we don't want that child to be bullied because they have a certain moral or religious belief," said Harmon, "And we don't want them, certainly don't want them to be labeled a bully just because they have that particular belief."The Democrat who sponsored the bill responds: "I would ask Mike Harmon, 'What would Jesus do?' Would He bully people based on religion? I don't think so."
Labels: assholism, bigotry, bullying, Christian Love, GOP, Kentucky, religion, Tea Party, teabaggers