Email Of The Day - Eugene Delguadio

"There’s more my friend. They harass my family and neighbors trying to turn them against me. Radical Homosexuals recently littered my entire neighborhood with hateful fliers filled with terrible false accusations I dare not repeat -- I was out until 4:30 AM going door to door gathering them all up so my children wouldn’t see this trash. They know their father is a good man, standing up for what is right, but when they have to defend against these vicious attacks in school, it really hurts them. I’ve taken precautions to protect my family. Some things I’ve told you about, but some things I must keep confidential or they’d be in more peril. Will you pray for my family and me? That the Lord would keep us safe? I need your prayers!"- Eugene Delguadio, self-proclaimed Public Advocate of the United States.

UPDATE II: As I've mentioned here in the past and as several of you have noted in today's comments, Delguadio is an elected official in suburban Virginia. Aside from his $40,000 supervisor's salary, he pays himself $150,000 annually from the donations received by Public Advocate.