"Not only the Communist Party but also the American Nazi Party has endorsed OWS as well. The media has been falling all over itself to spin OWS as the newest liberal movement, just like the Tea Party. They have done their best to hide videos that show what the Occupy movement really believes. Both Communists and Nazi’s are socialists. They hate freedom and liberty and both want to see freedom and liberty replaced with tyranny. OWS claims to be a leaderless movement, yet no one involved with the movement is willing to denounce the Nazis or the Communists. Contrast that to the Tea Party movement, which went overboard to make sure no one involved with the Tea Party movement was a racist or a Nazi." -
Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation.
RELATED: Phillips conveniently omits mentioning that the Tea Party was endorsed by KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.
Labels: liars, Tea Party, teabaggers, Wall Street