Main | Monday, November 14, 2011

AGAIN: Dan Savage Glitter-Bombed

While delivering a speech at UC Irvine, Dan Savage was glitter-bombed by transgender activists for a second time. One of the glitterers was arrested. Via Bilerico:
According to my source at the event, Savage was in the middle of answering a question from a student who was wondering if her boyfriend was a freak because he watched porn featuring trans women. Savage suggested that her boyfriend was a freak, while freely using the terms "shemale" and "freaky tranny porn." That is when two individuals ran up and threw glitter on him yelling "Transphobe!" Someone from the MTV tech crew muttered "Oh, not again!" Savage laughed it off and said that being gay he loves glitter. Later, when another student was asking him about the incident, Savage answered, "I'm used to it."

UPDATE: Savage just texted me to clarify that the words being objected to were actually used in a question he read from an audience member. In his response to the question, Savage noted that some folks "have trouble" with the terms. He laughed off the incident, adding that he finds the accusations against him and the act of glitter-bombing to be "ridiculous."

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