HomoQuotable - Michelangelo Signorile

"It's frankly appalling that NBC, and now its parent company Comcast, still sells the broadcast rights (on its local affiliate, WNBC) to the intolerant bunch that runs the parade (in 2007 that amount was $300,000) and then helps the organizers sell advertising to major companies. More than that, one of NBC's top executives, a man who aids the organizers in getting those ad dollars, was chosen as this year's Grand Marshal. [snip]
"The truth is, most LGBT activists weren't focused on the St. Patrick's Day Parade all these years, with bigger fish to fry. But many are now looking at this as unfinished business -- as I said, an embarrassment in a state where we now have marriage rights -- and they are also seeing Comcast as a company that is vulnerable. If Comcast doesn't want a battle on its hands, a battle it will ultimately lose, after much PR erosion, it will make sure that March 18, 2012 is the beginning of the end of the ban on gays in the St. Patrick's Day Parade." - Michelangelo Signorile, writing for the Huffington Post.
RELATED: Irish Queers will protest tomorrow's parade from NYPD pen across from St. Patrick's Cathedral. I'll be there.
Labels: advertising, Comcast, HomoQuotable, Irish Queers, Michelangelo Signorile, NBC, NYC, NYPD, St. Patrick's Day