Main | Friday, July 26, 2013

More JMG Readers Get Marriage License From Pennsylvania's Montgomery County

More exciting news from JMG readers in Pennsylvania. Via email: "Hi Joe, I have been a reader of your blog since a couple of months after you started it. Me and my partner got a civil union in NJ in 2007 and we just got a marriage license in Montgomery County, PA. We walked out of the court house just as a group of protesters were gathered in the sidewalk. They entered the building as we walked away.  We plan on celebrating the 7th anniversary of our civil union on September 5th with a marriage ceremony.  I am so glad to be one step closer to full equality and thank the workers in the court house for standing up for out rights. Thank you for all of your work as well. Best Regards, Brian Stafford & Mark Diehl."

Congrats, guys! We'll presume the above-mentioned protesters were from the Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania, who yesterday announced a "pray-in" for today. Brian took a photo for us.
YESTERDAY:  JMG readers Jeffrey and Kevin got their marriage license in Montgomery County.

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