Main | Monday, October 07, 2013

Guido Barilla Meets Gay Italian Orgs

The latest development:
Barilla met Arcigay, Arcilesbica, Famiglie Arcobaleno, Gaynet and Equality Italia associations at the Regione Emilia-Romagna headquarters, where former Arcigay president and now regional councillor Franco Grillini has his office. Grillini told Gay Star News: "We spoke about the company’s policies and about the impact on the LGBT community worldwide. Mr Barilla apologized once again and told us they are really worried for the boycotting in North America. The news had a big impact in the United States and they went to the US last week to reinforce their presence in that country." According to Grillini, "We could say Barilla is going to do a pro-gay campaign in the future, but it’s not sure at the moment. We have to meet again and to discuss their new ads. They’ll probably do something for our community, they have understood that LGBTs have a strong power."

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