HomoQuotable - Robert Oscar Lopez
"The LGBT lobby has warped my relationship with students, my relationship with gay friends, my relationship with the press, my relationship with bosses at the university, my relationship with readers, and saddest of all, my relationship with my own family. My relatives, all well-intended liberal devotees of the New York Times, will believe what Frank Rich or Maureen Dowd writes about gays before they believe me, their own brother. To bear witness and speak honestly means, sometimes, having to feel pain at the hands of people you love. In a time of chocolate cookies, fireplace stockings, and wrapping paper, I wish that John 5:13 didn't remind me that these are among the things that God expects us to surrender if it means we must speak a truth that others do not want to hear." - Robert Oscar Lopez, who says Christmas is a really shitty time to be the anti-gay activist in his family. (Via Right Wing Watch)
RELATED: In addition to appearing on stage at an anti-gay Manif Pour Tous rally in France, Lopez has testified against LGBT equality before several state legislatures and he co-signed an anti-gay homocon brief to the Supreme Court. You really must read the Media Matters take on Lopez' trilogy of gay erotica.
Labels: assholism, crackpots, douchebaggery, homocons, HomoQuotable, Manif Pour Tous, religion, Robert Oscar Lopez