Benham Brothers Tell Glenn Beck: Gay People Are Controlled By Satan
The Benham brothers took their anti-gay crusade to Glenn Beck's show last night. Kyle Mantyla at Right Wing Watch recaps their "love" for gay people:
"It's a spiritual fight," Jason Benham said. "From the beginning of time, it was God and there was the Devil and both of them use people for their own purposes." Jason then recalled how Jesus had rebuked Peter by declaring "get behind me, Satan!" in Mark 8 to demonstrate this, as David added that it is all part of Satan's efforts to suppress the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Later in the discussion, Jason added that they are not attacking "the homosexual community" because the real issue is "God versus the Devil." "There is a small minority of people in this world, heterosexual and homosexual, that buy into the idea of this agenda that wants to silence people," he said. David added that, as Christians, they are "called to restrain evil so that good may flourish" and that is the role they are trying to play in America by taking a stand against the "demonic agenda to suppress the truth."
Labels: bigotry, Christianists, crackpots, crazy people, David Benham, HGTV, Jason Benham, reality shows, Right Wing Watch, television