Main | Tuesday, July 01, 2014

FLORIDA: AG Pam Bondi Turns To Scientologists For Campaign Funding

Via Raw Story:
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is running for re-election this year, and she’s looking for help in an unusual place — the Church of Scientology. Bondi is a Republican and former prosecutor who was endorsed by Sarah Palin when she ran for election and won in 2010. Most recently, she’s been in the news for announcing that she would be vigorously defending Florida’s ban on gay marriage in the federal courts. And on Tuesday evening, she’s having a campaign fundraiser at the home of Michael and Liz Baybak, wealthy longtime Scientologists who are known for donating large sums to the church and also for making donations to political campaigns. The event is being organized by Brett Miller, another longtime church member, as well as three other Scientologists, and attendance requires a donation of at least $1,000 per person.
RELATED: Last week Bondi filed motions to intervene in two marriage equality cases currently before state courts. Neither of the county clerks named as defendants are "aggressively defending" against the suits. Arguments in the Miami-Dade County case are being heard tomorrow.

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