Main | Thursday, November 06, 2014

KENTUCKY: Rand Paul Renews Push To Run For President & Senate At Same Time

Emboldened by the midterms results, three-time Toupee Olympics bronze medalist Rand Paul has renewed his push to change Kentucky law so that he can run for president and the Senate at the same time.
The law, as currently stated, says “no candidate’s name shall appear on any voting machine or absentee ballot more than once,” with the exception of certain special election scenarios. So as a likely presidential candidate who also wants to run for a second Senate term, Paul is now exploring how to get around that restriction. One new idea under consideration is to change Kentucky’s May primary into a caucus system instead. Since most caucuses do not vote by paper ballot, Paul could theoretically avoid that restriction in the law. At Tuesday night’s victory party for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell here in Louisville, Paul discussed the idea for about 30 minutes with Steve Robertson, chairman of the state party. “He’s got as many questions about it as I do,” Robertson said. “He’s just curious how it would work.”
Both Joe Biden and Paul Ryan ran for vice president and their seats in Congress at the same time as their home states permit candidacy for more than one office.

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