Main | Friday, February 06, 2015

SLOVAKIA: Billboard Touts Pope's Support For Tomorrow's Anti-Gay Rights Vote

Via Yahoo News:
A big billboard of Pope Francis hangs over the center of Slovakia's capital, urging citizens to vote "Yes" in a referendum on restricting gay rights. The vote this weekend in this predominantly Roman Catholic nation — which follows a similar one that succeeded in Croatia in 2013 — points to a cultural divide within the European Union in which more established western members are rapidly granting new rights to gays, while eastern newcomers entrench conservative attitudes toward LGBT people. In Saturday's vote, Slovaks will be asked whether they agree to three points: that marriage can only be called a union between man and woman; that same-sex partners must be barred from adopting children; and that it's up to parents to decide whether their children receive sex education. While the constitution already defines marriage as between man and woman, the campaigners decided it was important to include the question in the referendum to reinforce traditional family values.
As I reported two days ago, local activists are urging Slovaks to stay home tomorrow as at least 50% of registered voters must cast a ballot in order for a bill to become law. Therefore no vote at all is better than merely voting no. (Tipped by JMG reader Tristam)

RELATED: Read my breakdown of the several major US-based anti-gay Christian groups that are supporting tomorrow's vote.

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