Main | Thursday, May 25, 2006

Diva On Slate

Troubled Diva, aka music journalist Mike Atkinson has a great piece in Slate called America, Meet The Eurovision Song Contest , in which he explains to us Yanks exactly how this year's event, hosted by Greece, went down. My English coworkers are always amazed at how utterly unknown Eurovision is in the U.S., other than as a footnote to die hard fans of ABBA (Sweden's winner in 1974) and Celine Dion (who somehow won representing Switzerland in 1988). Hey, anybody remember Bucks Fizz? Anyway, I hear talk that this year's winner might be Finland's Lordi, the charming gents pictured below. For a very detailed country by country breakdown of each act, visit Diva's homepage here. Now excuse me, I think that's Dana International on the other line.

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