Tom Of Sparta

But hey, if you like slo-mo gore, this movie is for you. Slo-mo beheadings? Check. Slo-mo de-leggings? Plenty. You also get slo-mo de-armings and not a few slo-mo de-eye-ings. It's gore for the sake of gore, and the audio engineers pot up the squishing and spurting to the limit, giving the bloodthirsty a full Sensurround splash and slop-o-rama. As for the acting, it's all straight out the tired LOTR school of "I'm making an IMPORTANT announcement." An important announcement delivered in the cliched historical-drama English accent, because all ancient peoples must speak in an English accent, that's just the law.
A lot of praise has been heaped on 300 for its unusual sepia-drenched photography, but as lovely as that was, by the end of the first 30 minutes, I found myself aching for some true color. The only slight saving grace for this movie was Andrew Pleavin as Daxos, the hot, harnessed, bald Arkadian shortie. Waiting for Daxos to make his next appearance was the only thing that keep me from bailing. If I could find a picture of Daxos in that harness, I'd feel slightly better about wasting $11. Very not-recommended. A lot.

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