Main | Thursday, June 21, 2007

Open Thread Thursday

A couple of posts down you'll find my rant regarding those in our own community who heap scorn and insults on gay men that don't meet their twisted personal standards of masculinity. Longtime readers of this here website thingy know that I regard that sort of divisive self-loathing as perhaps the greatest internal challenge that gay men face, both as a community and as individuals. A thoughtful reader suggested that I make this issue the topic of today's open thread.

So here's the question: How did your own childhood experiences with being called a "sissy" or "faggot", etc., work to create the person you are today? Do you try to forget it? Did you make a conscious decision to "butch up"? Do you just shrug and own it? And if you managed to slip under everybody's gaydar without such taunts, how does that affect your opinion of those who didn't?

(Thanks to TankMontreal for the suggestion.)

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