Main | Thursday, November 15, 2007

Three Local Victories

Some nice advances for LGBT rights around the country:

-Toledo, Ohio has become the first major city in the state to offer domestic partners benefits. Both same-sex and unmarried couples who prove they cohabitate, have intermingled finances, and are over 18 years-old can register to receive the same city benefits as married couples. Registering with the city also serves as proof of the relationship to non-city employees whose employers offer similar benefits. Toledo's ordinance is based on similar rules in Cleveland Heights.

-In Montgomery County, Maryland, local human rights protections were extended to transgenders. Gays and lesbians were already cover under county ordinance, now covered: gender identity and expression.

-After a four year fight by local activists, Waterloo, Iowa has added sexual orientation to its list of protected classes. The new law covers all LGBT folks and anyone "perceived as such".


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