Main | Monday, February 18, 2008

Bottom Heavy

Of course I had to click on a story titled "Ivory Coast's Big Bottom Craze." Turns out, it's a dance craze inspired by a hit song called Bobaraba, which means "big bottom" in English. Despite my disappointment, I mention it here anyway because of the of ancillary business spawned by the dance:
In the sprawling Adjame market just north of the city centre in Abidjan, women sell "bottom enhancers". "You need to inject this liquid into your bottom once a day," says a market trader, showing a vial of coloured liquid labelled "Vitamin B12".

Each vial costs $2. The label claims it is made in China. If you do not like the sound of injections, the same amount of money will also get you a small tub of cream. There is no description of what the product contains or how to apply it; just the words "Big bottoms and big breasts", and two illustrating pictures.
We ran into a guy at Hillside Campground last summer that had clearly been visiting that market in the Ivory Coast. And here we were guessing he'd had it done in Mexico.

