Main | Thursday, February 28, 2008

Porn Twins Busted As Cat Burglars

Here's a bizarre one.

Twins Keyontyli and Taleon Goffney, who have appeared in a number of gay porn films together as Keyon and Teyon, were arrested in Philadelphia last week after sawing through the roof of a beauty shop and making off with cash, cigarettes and condoms.
The twins are the focus of a tristate Rooftop Burglary Task force, led by New Jersey investigators, the state where many of the 40-some rooftop burglaries have been committed over the last 18 months.

Several lead investigators with the Rooftop Burglary Task Force in Pennsylvania and New Jersey declined to comment yesterday on the case, fearing that it would jeopardize their ongoing investigations.

According to a police source and online court records, the Goffney brothers are scheduled for a preliminary hearing in Philadelphia tomorrow on charges of burglary, trespassing, theft and related crimes.

According to the source, both men remain in prison. Online court records, however, indicate that Keyontyli may be free on $75,000 bail while his brother remains in prison on $150,000 bail.

Police described Taleon as a "bad, bad, dude."
Chief Dave Kunkel of Clementon, N.J., had no trouble recalling his department's run-in with Taleon in 2006. Officers conducting surveillance work at an apartment complex spotted Taleon running up the building's walls and turning back flips. "The officers said, 'We're glad we're not going after him,' " Kunkel recalled. "Lo and behold, after that, he began conducting open-air, hand-to-hand drug sales."

Police arrested Taleon for possessing about a half-ounce of crack cocaine and a loaded .25-caliber automatic handgun. While handcuffed in the back of the moving car, Taleon smashed out the rear window by head-butting it, police said. He then dove through the window and its steel frame, causing $1,800 in damage, Kunkel said.

After landing on his face, Taleon rose to his feet and, while still handcuffed, fled on foot and into a nearby pond, police said. "He swam across like Flipper, taunting the officers saying, 'You'll never catch me,' " Kunkel said. Indeed, they didn't. Two officers were injured while chasing Taleon. A week later, he turned himself in. But he didn't return the department's handcuffs, Kunkel said.
Of course, this story is a Freeper bonanza, as they tee off on the fact that the twins performed acts of ince*st on film. And I have to spell it that way because I'm continuously grossed out that one of the top Google searches that brings people to JMG is some variation on that term, usually involving mothers, sisters, and aunts. But not black gay twin porn stars. Yet.

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