Main | Monday, July 14, 2008

HomoQuotable - David Benkof

"It is with great sadness that I announce that I feel I must withdraw from openly supporting man-woman marriage in the United States. I recently learned quite a bit of disturbing information that makes it impossible for me to continue supporting a movement I no longer respect. I have not yet decided when or even if I will write about why I’m ending my participation in this debate.

"I’d like to thank Maggie Gallagher of the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy who got me started with blogging at and encouraged me to create my own blog, which ultimately became I’d also like to thank the dozens of commenters, both those who agree with me and those who disagree, who have made this Web site a true place of conversation rather than just another pro-man-woman-marriage site.

"In case you’re wondering:

"1) I do not advocate that people give time or money to the Proposition 8 campaign in California.

"2) People should vote their consciences on the ballot measure. I’m not a California voter, but if I was, I’d probably hold my nose and vote yes, though I can’t be sure. " - David Benkof, the putrid prince of self-loathing, in a typically bizarre "final" post on his blog, Gays Defend Marriage.

You may recall that Box Turtle Bulletin exposed Benkof's inflated journalistic claims last month. Whatever this mysterious epiphany that Benkof has experienced may be, he hasn't quite seen the light, having dropped in on Pam Spaulding's blog this morning to call her a "nasty bitch."

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