Main | Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Huffing is no longer for bored teenaged suburbanites. Canned oxygen is reportedly "flying off the shelves" of NYC's drugstores. At $16 a pop.
With 1 in 10 Americans is chronically sleep deprived people are looking for anything to boost their energy. First there were Red Bull and double espressos, but now comes the latest -- canned oxygen!

It's the latest way to boost your energy. it claims to do everything from helping your workout to boosting your memory, relieving stress to curing a hangover. Kevin DelGaudio, the inventor of instant oxygen, turned to oxygen for his own energy needs. "You know you start falling asleep at the wheel a couple of intakes of ox and I'm wide awake," DelGaudio said.

It's all over the Web and around the world. People looking to reverse the effects of pollution and inject more energy into their lives are turning to oxygen, whether bought at a bar or now, in a can. Instant Oxygen, which claims to be 99 percent pure oxygen, is sold at the pharmacy counter of Duane Reade stores.
Doctors say the effect is mainly psychological. "Inventor" Kevin DelGuardio says the effect is...oh wait, he's in line at Citibank with a bucket of rubes' money.

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