Main | Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Wingnuts Begin 24 Hour Pre-Palin Debate Prayer Marathon And Fast

A group of Freepers are beginning a 24-hour pre-debate prayer marathon today to make sure that Jeebus keeps Sarah Palin from making a fool of herself. Some are also fasting.
* Pray for Wisdom for Senator McCain and Governor Palin
* Pray for their safety and that of their families
* Pray for their relationship to God to be strengthened during this campaign
* Pray for the enemies of America to be thwarted during this campaign season and beyond
* Pray for the peace of mind of the candidates and that they will be able to weather Satan's attacks
* Pray for those reading these earnest prayer requests who mock God and his people
* Pray for Bristol Palin as she has done nothing worthy of the attacks that her mother's enemies are levying.
* Pray for the unborn child of Bristol and Levi, that it will be healthy and that God's blessing will rest on their home
-"FReeper Prayer Warriors, start sending up those prayers! Our country is in desperate need, and if Ubama & Co. get in the White House, I’m afraid for the worst, especially for my children, in the future!!! "
-"May God bless and be with Sarah Palin, giving her words of wisdom, understanding and knowledge during the debate. Lord, protect her, bless her and give her articulate speech. Give her the words to say throughout the whole debate and beyond. In Jesus’ Name, amen!"

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