Main | Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Talking Points Memo: Yes On 8 Ads Are Ok On Our Site

Progressive blog Talking Points Memo had all of its ad space taken over by Yes On 8 ads yesterday via Google Ad Sense. Despite a massive outcry from readers and despite opposing Prop 8 in their editorials, TPM took no action. Josh Marshall's reasoning:
When we started accepting paid advertisements in 2003, I instituted a clear policy that we would never accept or reject ads on the basis of political content. We reserve the right to reject ads on the basis of 'taste' or 'appropriateness', which we do every so often. We also will not run ads containing hate speech or appeals to violence. But outside those two categories, which we interpret very narrowly, we run ads irrespective of, indeed, with an intentional indifference to their message.
Hmm. Some would say that the Yes On 8 ads DO qualify as hate speech. Other sites have blocked the ads, including the gay car enthusiasts site, Gay Wheels.

(Tipped by JMG reader Joseph)

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