Main | Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Tomorrow: A Day Without A Gay

Here's LOGO's take on it:

Tomorrow, December 10th is national Gay Strike Day. Or "Day Without a Gay!" Or "Call in Gay!" day. Whatever you want to call it, activists are asking LGBT folks all over the U.S. to not go to work as a way to demonstrate just how great of an impact LGBT Americans have on our daily life. When our absence becomes political, it makes a statement. That's one theory, anyway.

Ideally, if you're planning on calling in "gay," you'll spend the day being productive and donate your time to queer-positive community service. But how would your absence at work affect your co-workers? Have a look at the little video we cooked up above for one scenario...

If you can't skip a day at the office for the gay cause, Day Without a Gay has other ways you can participate and help. And here's a report from the news folks at 365Gay about the whole shebang.

Sorry, but I still think it's a dumb idea.

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