Main | Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Clinton Confirmed As Secretary Of State

Hillary Clinton was just confirmed by the Senate in a 94-2 vote.
New York Senator Hillary Clinton has been officially confirmed as secretary of state this by way of a roll call vote in the U.S. Senate. Sources tell NY1 that the actual swearing-in will be private. Clinton's confirmation was held up yesterday by a lone Republican senator. Jon Cornyn of Texas says important questions have yet to be answered about foreign donations to former President Bill Clinton's global foundation, and whether it presents a conflict of interest for his wife. Cornyn raised his concerns again during a Senate hearing this afternoon.

Former presidential rival Senator John McCain and Senator Susan Collins of Maine spoke in the former first lady's favor. McCain even asked for unanimous consent on Clinton's confirmation before the lunch break. Other senators lavished praise on the former president's foundation, saying the Clintons should not be punished for continuing to help communities worldwide after leaving office. While most spoke in support of Clinton, there were a handful of Republicans who questioned her values.
NY Gov. David Paterson said today that he'll announce his pick to replace Clinton by Saturday.

UPDATE: Pam Spaulding notes the dissenters:
Hillary Clinton was confirmed as Secretary of State today. Two senators voted against her. Who were they? FMA supporter Diaper David "DC Madam" Vitter and 0% HRC-rated Jim "Fetus Americans" Demint.

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