Main | Friday, March 20, 2009

WA: Domestic Partners Legislation Poised For Approval By House, Gov To Sign

The Washington Values Alliance rallied about 1000 protesters to the state capital yesterday to "Stand Up For Marriage" in a "last gasp" against the state's coming domestic partners legislation. The new law will give gay couples all the rights of marriage except the name. Via Dominic Holden at Slog:
"I think the rally is probably more of an attempt by certain organizations to find a reason for being, to fill their own coffers and keep their own organization going,” says Senator Ed Murray, sponsor of the domestic partnership bill in the senate. The DP bill passed the senate last week by 30 to 18 votes; now it is in the house where the bill has more cosponsors than votes needed to pass—i.e., the bill is going to win regardless of the shrill cries on the Capitol steps. Murray adds, “They are down in polls and down in the legislature. It is not a happy time for them.”
Holden observes that many of the protesters were Eastern European immigrants bussed in from out of town. Gov. Christine Gregoire has pledged to sign the bill into law once it passes in the House.

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