Main | Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu Outbreak Fuels Immigrant Haters On Wingnut Radio

Pam Spaulding points us to this Media Matters recap of swine flu quotes from wingnut radio blowhards Michael Savage, Neal Boortz, and Glenn Beck.
Savage: "How do you protect yourself? What can you do? I'll tell you what I'm going to do, and I don't give a damn if you don't like what I'm going to say. I'm going to have no contact anywhere with an illegal alien, and that starts in the restaurants." He added, "I will have no any illegal alien workers around me. I will not have them in any of my properties, I will not have them anywhere near me."

Boortz: "[W]hat better way to sneak a virus into this country than give it to Mexicans? Right? I mean, one out of every 10 people born in Mexico is already living up here, and the rest are trying to get here. So you give -- you give -- you let this virus just spread in Mexico, where they don't have a CDC."

Beck: "Gee, it would be nice if we had border security now, wouldn't it?" Beck went on to assert: "But if you are a family and you're down in Mexico and you're dying and those in America are not, why wouldn't you flood this border? Why wouldn't you come across this border? It's exactly what I warned of -- different scenario, different reason of -- I was talking about economic collapse. People start to come and rush this border, then what happens? Gee, it would be nice if we had some border security."
Spaulding: "But do you think they have anything to say about the fact that "God's Own Party" Killed Flu Pandemic Healthcare Funding?"

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