Main | Wednesday, May 27, 2009

NYC Comptroller: Gay Marriage Would Bring $210M To State Economy

NYC Comptroller William Thompson has issued a report declaring that marriage equality for LGBT couples would garner the state an additional $210M in revenue in the first three years.
“New York State and New York City stand to benefit economically if marriage equality is passed in our State,” Comptroller Thompson said. “Legalizing marriage for same-sex couples is not only good for the couples, but also for our economy. “And while other states across our nation have legalized marriage for same-sex couples since my last report, I expect New York to still stand as a prime destination for many couples because it will stand as a welcoming beacon of diversity and acceptance.” Thompson’s analysis updates his 2007 study, “Love Counts: The Economic Benefits of Marriage Equality for New York,” assessing the financial and economic affects of the legalization of marriage for same-sex couples on New York City and State. The new analysis takes into account both the legislative strides and the economic straits across the nation.
As much as $149M of that money would come directly to New York City.

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